"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Join Our Legacy Society
Planned giving through your estate plan is one of the most rewarding ways to support the ministry of Teach My People. But for many, it can be a complex and uncertain process. Teach My People can help you enjoy the financial benefits available through planned giving while leaving a legacy to be remembered beyond the donor’s lifetime.
With planned giving, you can use financial tools like bequests and charitable remainder trusts to:
Reduce the tax burden on your family
Receive estate tax savings
Make a real difference in the lives of the Teach My People students
Leave your legacy.
A bequest is one of the simplest and most effective planned giving tools. With our help, you can include language in your will or charitable trust specifying a gift be made to Teach My People and become a part of Teach My People’s Legacy Society.
Bequests can be made in several ways, including:
Specific dollar amount or asset
A percentage of your estate
The balance or residue of your estate
A beneficiary designation of certain assets
To inquire about establishing a Legacy Gift please contact our Executive Director, David Hammel, HERE and he will put you in touch with our Legacy Society Team.